Haleeb al Thahab (Golden Milk)
During these times, the Sunnah Shifa household has taken a fancy to having 'Golden Milk' before sleeping. It's proven (for us anyway) to be a really comforting and immune-boosting night cap! So I thought I'd share my method (obviously there are probably loads of you who are reading this now thinking "I know what that is!", or "I already know how to make that"!) and this is for those who may not yet be familiar with this yummy milk and might be able to benefit from the post in Shaa Allah t'ala...
Some select key ingredients give the ochre-coloured warm beverage its potent, remedial qualities. What's even better is that it's so mild (you can adjust and alter the quantity of each ingredient) that it's safe for the whole family - adults, teens, children and even babies too! For mummys who exclusively breastfeed if you were to drink a mug, baby would most likely benefit from it through your milk in Shaa Allah ❤️
'Golden Milk' in the pan
The amount of ingredients used will depend on the number of people needing to be served. The below ingredients list are listed at serving two adults; standard sized mugs.
300ml Milk/enough milk for two mugs full. For a family sized portion, aim for around 500ml in Shaa Allah
1inch stick of cinnamon/one half teaspoonful of ground Ceylon cinnamon
4 cloves (more if you like!)
1 teaspoonful of ground Organic Turmeric
A teaspoonful of ground or whole Blackseeds (we prefer ground as we find we get more of the goodness that way alhamdulillaah and Allahu a'lam)
A desertspoon of raw, organic Honey
A tiny pinch of Saffron
Put them all together in a pan and bring gently to a boil over low heat.
Then add a pinch of black pepper (optional)
Strain and drink.
Et voilà !
A delicious, anti viral and immune boosting drink!
©️ Sunnah Shifa | Hayat Al Muslimah 2020