Castor Oil Mascara | Mascara | Natural Eyelash Oil | Eyebrow Growth | Ithmid
A choice of two Unique Castor Oil Mascara for Eyelash and Eyebrow growth
Castor Oil Lash Luster
For external use on eyelashes to nourish and moisturise eyelash ducts.
Can also be used on eyebrows to support growth.
Castor Oil with pure Ithmid
For external use on eyes (rims of the lids) and eyelashes to maintain and regulate eye health. With pure, high quality, lead free Yemeni Ithmid.
** take care when using this product not to allow too much Castor Oil into the eye as this may cause stinging and discomfort. The quantity of Castor Oil that is applied can be regulated via the mascara brush - the less Castor Oil on the brush when applying to lashes, the better.
Disclaimer: The information presented herein by Sunnah Shifa is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by health professionals and is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements/skin care products, it is advisable to carry out a skin patch test for sensitivity and to consult with your own health care provider.